Pro Epic Portfolio We love our clients! Birdwell and Clark RanchChemweedWobbly Otter Outdoors Video OverviewRed Dog TracksDRI ConstructionPrecision Compression, LLCKYZER Electrical & Mechanical ProductsStrawn Chamber of CommerceParker County Health FoundationCozyAcreTiny.comBorden & Westhoff Attorneys at LawHometown Full Service ElectricClark GardensHog Mountain RV RanchWell of Life ChurchUplift Compression, LLCMassey's Septic Tank Service, Inc.Oakridge Urgent CareChandor Gardens News ArchiveClark Gardens WeddingsRotary Crazy KickerMineral Wells Regional AirportMaverick Computer ServicesQFC ServicesFirst Christian Church of Mineral WellsTexas Insurance Restoration SolutionsThe Retreat at Clark GardensR&L Electric, Inc.Palo Pinto County Historical CommissionAgnes Baptist ChurchWeatherford Texas Chamber of CommerceACE Business SolutionsCity of Strawn, TexasWobbly Otter Outdoors WebsitePyle Machine Co., Inc.The National Vietnam War MuseumDavidson Lawn CareFrontier Steel Products LLCLaw Office of Barbara E. ShieldsParker County Peach FestivalPaschall Insurance GroupChandor Gardens FoundationPossum Kingdom Chamber of CommerceRCD ConstructionParker County Emergency Services District No. 8Spectacles WestPeach Pedal Bike RideMcAfee ConsultingKimberly Benge PhotographyZonta Club of Mineral WellsRamsey Cabinets & CountersWeatherford Glass & MirrorMineral Wells Fossil ParkLiving Stone ConstructionBobby Wolfe ConstructionMeals on Wheels of Palo Pinto Countyvar initGallery = true; var masonry_category_id= 38; var masonry_hash = window.location.hash; masonry_hash = masonry_hash.replace('#',''); var masonry_cat_id_click= ''; if (masonry_hash !== '') { var hasha = masonry_hash.split('-'); var re = new RegExp("^([0-9]+)$"); var hash_category_id = hasha[0]; if (!re.test(hash_category_id)) { hash_category_id = 0;} if(hash_category_id) {initGallery = false; } } loadHeadStyle("#droppicsgallery38 .img { width : 400px; border-radius : 0px; --moz-border-radius : 0px; --webkit-border-radius : 0px;}#droppicsgallery38 .wimg > a { width : 400px;}#droppicsgallery38 .droppicspictures .wimg { margin : 20px; padding : 1px; background : #111111; border-radius : 0px; --moz-border-radius : 0px; --webkit-border-radius : 0px;}#droppicsgallery38 .wcat span { width : 400px; margin : 1px;}#droppicsgallery38.droppicsgallerymasonry .droppicscats .wimg {height : 202px;width : 202px;}.droppicsgallerymasonry .droppicscatslink span {margin-right:10px;margin-left:10px;}","droppicsgalleryStyle38")